Plymouth Foreclosures

Plymouth foreclosures are usually hard to come by and if you are lucky enough to find a great deal Plymouth is the place to be. Plymouth Michigan is considered to be an affluent community located about 30 minutes from downtown Detroit in Western Wayne County. Currently there only 5 Plymouth foreclosures listed. The average time on the market for these 5 homes is 25 days! So, you need to hurry and take a look at these Plymouth foreclosures listed below and let me know if you would like to see any of them.

11437 ASPEN DR1.131254YY58 X 119107.6555
42604 JOY RD1.141886NY140 X 26087.4337
39537 BIRCHWOOD1.131456YYX130.4258
9463 MAYFLOWER CT242177YY53X13990.836
10783 WELLINGTON   CT333704YY107X160112.014

If you are looking for the latest and greatest list of Plymouth Foreclosures (or any other southeastern city) let me know! You can reach me on my cell phone: 248-310-6239 or email:

Have a great day!

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