Northville Township MI demographics
Northville Township Real estate
When buying a Metro Detroit home or relocating to Michigan you may want to know more about the cities. What is the average income? How big of a city is it? What is percentage of college educated people in Northville Twp, Mi?
Demographics for Northville Township
Date Created or Incorporated | 1829 |
Area (Square Miles) | 16.63 |
Water Area (Square Miles) | 0.16 |
Land Area (Square Miles) | 16.45 |
Population 2000 | 21,036 |
Population Density Per Sq Mile (2000) | 1278.5 |
Housing Units Per Sq Mile (2000) | 515.4 |
% Aged 18 & Over (1990) | 78.1% |
% Aged 18 & Over (2000) | 78.6% |
% Aged 21 & Over (2000) | 76.4% |
% Aged 65 & Over (1990) | 9.9% |
% Aged 65 & Over (2000) | 13.9% |
Median Age (2000) | 41.1 Years |
# of Households (2000) | 8,119 |
# of Persons Per Household (2000) | 2.6 |
# of Housing Units (2000) | 8,480 |
Average Housing Sales Price (1995) | $202,030 |
Labor Force (1996 Avg.) | 9,400 |
Unemployment Rate (1996 Avg.) | 1.0% |
Years of Schooling | |
High School Only | 21% |
College 1-3 Years | 29% |
College 4+ Years | 39% |
The city of Northville and Northville Township are run separately with Northville Township having lower taxes and a larger area. Though the City of Northville has a vibrant downtown that many people love. For more on Northville Michigan click on the category on the right or to search Northville homes for sale click on the button above. Or you can also get more Northville Twp information at my other website
Mystic Lake waterfront homes for sale in Michigan
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