Northville history
Northville history
Here is a little bit about Northville history. Northville had many different “health clinics”
There was the Keeley Institute and the Yarnall Gold Cure. In 1892 the Yarnall Gold Cure institute was started by Dr. Yarnell. The Yarnall Gold cure was “the radical cure and rational treatment for opium, alcohol, cocaine, and tobacco.” For $50 you could get a three week alcohol treatment, or $20 could pay for a week of morphine and opium treatment.
Then there was the William H Maybury Sanatorium for Tuberculosis patients. Also know as Spring Hills Sanatorium or or Detroit Municipal Tuberculosis Sanatorium. It opened in 1921 in the area we know know as Maybury State Park. In 1910 Detroit 117 people out of a hundred thousand died of tuberculosis. Northville Sanatorium was a great place for patients to get rest, fresh air, and clean surroundings. With the building of the Northville Sanatorium it eased the wait for hospital beds. In 1933 there were over 2600 tuberculosis patients!

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