Northville fire department Northville Twp fire department

Many people think and talk as if Northville and Northville Twpis one and the same.  But Northville and Northville Twp are two separate communities and governed by different people.  Northville and Northville Twp each have their own fire department.

Northville Fire Department– is headed by Chief J. Allen who has 29 part time on call firefighters & EMS personnel.  All of the fire fighters are certified at the Fire Fighter II level which is the required level to work in a full time department.  90% of all the fire fighters are also licensed as EMS personnel by the State of Michigan.  Northville fire department also belongs Western Wayne mutual aid association in which all of the members can call on other local cities departments for help.  So you can rest assured that all of Northville’s 2.2 square miles is protected when there is a fire.

Northville Fire Department
215 W. Main St.
Northville, MI 48167
Phone: 248-449-9920
Fax: 248-449-9960

Northville Twp Fire Department – just recently built a new 24,000 square foot state of the art firehouse across from Northville High School on Six Mile.  With the recent population growth and all of the new Northville Twp subdivisions the township needed a better fire station.  Northville Twp has 18 full time firefighters that work on a 3 platoon system.  So most of the time there are 6 firefighters on duty.  The fire department covers all of Northville Twp 16.63 miles.  All of the firefighters are certified by the State of Michigan in firefighting and are licensed in basic emergency medical services.  Because Northville Township has many lakes all the fire fighters are certified in water and ice rescues as well as response to electrical emergencies.  Northville Twpalso belongs to the Western Wayne mutual Aid association where other communities will come and help if there is a large fire or multiple fires that require more trucks and man power.


Northville Township Fire Station Headquarters
45745 Six Mile Road
Northville, Mi. 48168
(248) 348-5807

If you are relocating to Michigan both Northville and Northville Township are excellent communities to live in.  Feel free to call or email me with any questions.    Russ Ravary your Northville Real estate agent

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My quote of the day is:

Better a little fire that warms than a big one that burns.
– John Ray

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