National Watermelon Day!!!
Although today isn’t as sunny and bright as yesterday’s weather, its still a great day to be alive! and what better way to celebrate than to get out side, whether the sun is out or not, invite some friends and have a picnic! Picnics are always fun and a great way to spend time with your friends and family. Of all the food you throw into that cooler there is one item that needs special praise today, for its amazing flavor, and variety…… The WATERMELON!!!
Today is National Watermelon day! yes of all the peculiar days to make a national holiday, today might be one of my favorites! who doesn’t like watermelon, the juiciness, the sweetness, its the perfect summer snack. Whether you cut it into triangles, or cubes, maybe you fill it with a watermelon fresh slushy juice, or watermelon jello! Watermelon is among one of the best fruits! There is always something that you can try with this spectacular fruit. and its most refreshing flavor pairs well with almost any other fruits to blend a vivacious fruit salad! So if you didn’t know today was National Watermelon Day…. Now you do! So go out and buy a watermelon today, try something new with it, and have some fun! After all, summer wont be here forever, and those perfectly sweet watermelon wont be your go to buy a the grocery store for much longer.
Here’s to The bright sun, and the refreshing taste of watermelon on this summer day!!!
Andover Lakes, Plymouth Twp, Michigan
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