My eyes weren’t rolling were they? I hope I didn’t make a face did I?


I have some friends who live in Plymouth.  (The cities have been changed to protect the innocent).  They believe they have the biggest and best home in their subdivision.   They are ready to move and retire but they do not want to sell cheap.  They are still hanging onto 2008 prices.

When they bought the house 15 years they hired a decorator.  They paid big money for this decorator’s ideas.  Well the problem with decorators is sometimes they have their own sense of style or trying to set a new trend by themselves.  Then add in 15 years.  So we now have a house that is dated with heavy drapes and flowery wallpaper.

My friend keeps telling me it was expensive wallpaper.  I keep telling them to take it down.  They keep telling me no.  The house is dark because it was the old dark green and burgundy color scheme.  The only one color scheme that is even more date is the old mauve, light pinks,  and teals from the 1990’s.

But everytime the conversation comes up I hope my eyes are not rolling.  The bottom line is: if you have wall paper get rid of it.  Wall paper is not in.  Your choice of wall paper is not going to be the new buyers choice of wall paper.  Wall paper is a personal choice.  So take it down and sell your house quicker and for more money.  Then I won’t have to worry about my eyes rolling when you tell me its beautiful and expensive.

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