Metro Detroit winters
Michigan relocation information
Here is some information if you have never lived in Michigan and have a Michigan relocation in your future. This is just a general guide to the area.
Metro Detroit Area Average temperatures
Month | Average Low | Average High | Average temp |
January | 17.8° | 31.1° | 22.9 |
Febuary | 20.0° | 34.4° | 25.4 |
March | 28.5° | 45.2° | 35.7 |
April | 38.4° | 57.8° | 47.3 |
May | 49.4° | 70.2° | 58.4 |
June | 58.9° | 79.0° | 67.6 |
July | 63.6° | 83.4° | 72.3 |
August | 62.2° | 81.4° | 70.5 |
September | 54.1° | 73.7° | 63.2 |
October | 42.5° | 61.2° | 51.2 |
November | 33.5° | 47.8° | 40.2 |
December | 23.4° | 35.9° | 28.0 |
All of the above temperatures is in Fahrenheit. We have a saying in Michigan wait a minute the weather will change. We have dramatic weather changes in Michigan. We can be 6 degrees on January 15th and then 40 degrees the next day. Same thing happens all year round. We can be in the nineties for a week and then 70 degrees the next day. We can be rainy at 10 am and then bright sunshine at 11 am.
Most of our weather comes from the west. Both Northwest and Southwest. We do get tornadoes here but not like down south. We have had a few tornado touchdowns but they are usually isolated small areas. A couple of houses, or a building or two. No total destruction of a town. And even then it probably only happens on an average of once a year in the Metro Detroit area.
We get snow storms but very seldom over 10 inches. In fact this year it seems we have had the most snow since the 1970 and 1980’s. Most of our snows are 1 to 5 inches at a time. Throughout the winter we get thaws and rains. We can have 6 inches snow one week and it can all be gone. After a few days of rain, 30 to 40 degrees it disappears. White Christmas’ are hit and miss. I would bet that we get as much rain as we get snow in December.
Our rainy season is in April and early may and then again in late fall. In July and August we get our high temperatures. 90’s are usually the highs but we do sometimes get into the low one hundreds. Maybe a couple days at most. In January and February we do get down to zero now and then. (sometimes as low as -5) With wind chills we sometimes see as low as -10. Again not very often. I think last year or the year before we got into the 50’s in January.
We usually get an indian summer in late September or early October where temps will get into the 70’s. A nice warm streak for up to a week. Fall is beautiful here in Michigan with the changing fall colors and the cool breezes. In November we do get some gale force winds. I believe mother nature knows all the leaves are gone and the trees won’t be damaged as much. Sometimes when there are hurricanes down in Florida and the gulf coast we will get the rains even up here.
I hope this helps you understand a little about Michigan’s weather. If you are moving to Michigan in the future give me a call. I will help you with any questions you should have. Whether you arerelocating to Michigan from New Jersey or Texas… Michigan is a great place to live. There are lots of great cities around Metro Detroit. I am sure you will find one Metro Detroit suburb that you will love and grow to call home.
Russ Ravary
Your Metro Detroit real estate specialist
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