Metro Detroit first time home buyers tips part 9 – what other information do you need to make an offer


 Metro Detroit first time home buyers need a little more information than what they get from just looking at the house.  Here are three more things that you need to get your hands on to make a good decision>

  1. Comps – or comparables.  You want your Realtor to get all the Metro Detroit real estate that has sold within the last 6 months, that are like the home you are buying, and that are close in location to the home you are buying.
  2. Sellers disclosures – These are forms that are filled out by the seller that answers basic questions about the house.
  3. Pulbic records – these records can verify the square footage, the amount of the mortgage, who is the true owner, the current property taxes and the property taxes when you buy the home.

All of this information is very important to have as a Metro Detroit first time home buyer.   Sadly many real estate agents skip some of this information.  You should always have your Oakland County Realtor pull comparables of all the recently sold homes in the area.

Remember a knowledgeable Metro Detroit first time home buyer that is armed with all the facts will make a sound decision. 

For more Metro Detroit first time Home buyers tips see the following articles:


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