Metro Detroit first time home buyer tips part 4 – what to look for when looking at homes

So you picked out some listings to see now what are you supposed to do as an Metro Detroit first time home buyer?  What should you be looking for when you look at these Metro Detroit homes.  What makes a good home?  This is an important part so I may do a couple of blogs on what to do when looking at homes.  This blog I will get into the touchy – feely part of buying a home and the next blog I will get into the nuts and bolts of buying a home.

Of course you should be thinking about how the home fits your families needs.  Is the home what you want?  Look beyond the paint, and the carpeting colors.  Look beyond the sellers decorations.  Look beyond the junk in the house.

  • Does the house have the layout you want?
  • Do you like the kitchen?
  • Is the bedroom sizes big enough?
  • Is the garage the way you want it?
  • How is the back yard? Is it big enough?  Does it give you enough privacy?
  • How is the basement?  Is it dry?  Is it finished the way you want?
  • Does the house fit your family?
  • Will your furniture fit in the rooms?

Close your eyes can you imagine your furnishings, your family in the house?   Remember no house will be perfect.  There will always be something wrong with a house.  The key is: does it meet the majority of your needs?  Is this Oakland County home better than the other homes that you have been looking at?  Can you make it work?   Can you and your family make this house a home?

It doesn’t matter whether it is an South Lyon home or  West Bloomfield home take notes while you are walking through the house and after you are out of it.  As a Metro Detroitfirst time home buyer it is a big decision so write it down the pluses and negatives of each house.  Check out the rest of my metro Detroit first time home buyer tips.


Russ Ravary your Metro Detroit real estate agent

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