Metro Detroit first time home buyer tips

When buying Metro Detroit Real Estate it can be very confusing for a first time home buyer.

What you should do as a Michigan first time home buyer is to write down what you want.  Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  1. What city do you want to live in?  Do you want to be close to family?  How long of a commute to work?  Are school systems important to you?  What is the crime rate like?  Do you want a area that you are familiar with?
  2. How many bedrooms? You should always plan a little extra room just in case your family situation changes.  2 bedroom homes are harder to sell.
  3. How many bathrooms?  Again you should get at least 1.5 bathrooms.  Now days it is a plus to have extra bathrooms when you sell.
  4. Basements, garages?  I myself always recommend to buy a home with a basement.  In Michigan is common to have a basement.  With Michigan’s weather it is always good to have a garage to park your car.
  5. Family space?  Do you need a family room? Finished basement? fenced yard?

By listing your preferences and sticking to them will help you in your search of Metro Detroit real estate.  I have had first time home buyers jumping around all over.  (One first time home buyer looked at homes in Warren, Farmington HillsNovi, Royal Oak, Canton, and Troy.)  They were very frustrated at the end of the buying process.  They saw too many Metro Detroit homes for sale.  They got confused.  They needed to concentrate their search in a few cities and it would have made their life a lot easier.

How to prepare your home for sale

I heard another story of a couple looking at 400 homes!!!!  That is crazy.  I heard they finally just bought one because they were tired of the buying process.  Their agent told me that they had passed up homes that were much nicer.

My quote of the day is:

In order to have friends, you must first be one.

Elbert Hubbard

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