Metro Detroit economy

Detroit’s economy is a mess.  There is no doubt about it.  I have many friends that have lost their jobs, some have lost their homes.  Some of my friends have lost a good portion of their incomes.  I know people that made $125,000 now making $40,000.  It is hard to pay your house payment and live when you have lost 60 to 75% of your income.  Everybody is struggling.

Home prices have fallen 30 – 60% in some cities.  That directly translates into a 30 to 60% pay cut for real estate agents because our commission is tied directly to the home’s price.  I honestly don’t know many people it hasn’t hurt.

But the key here is to change your habits, change the way you work.  What was, is no longer.  Put away your pride and do what you have to do to survive.  Do what you have to do to feed your family.

The Metro Detroit area will recover.  Here are a few things to do to help you through these tough times.

  1. Make a gratitude list or “what you are thankful for list”  Write down what you have, what you have been lucky enough to have done, your accomplishments, your prides and joys.
  2. Make a friend and family list.  People that you are proud to have in your life.  People who make you happy.  People that you can lean on.  People that you can depend on.  Put this lists up where you can see them daily.  You want positive thoughts around you.
  3. Go out and volunteer.  Helping others is something you can always be proud of.  Helping others doesn’t cost money.  Just your time.  Helping others will help you feel good about yourself.
  4. Do positive affirmations.  If you are looking for a job.  Each day say 30 times ” I am going to get a job”  Say it in the morning, noon, and night.  Being positive and saying it over and over changes your outlook.  Napoleon Hill once said “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it will achieve”
  5. Help out with people that are less fortunate than you.  Some examples are the blind, deaf, down’s syndrome, the homeless.  You have a lot more to be thankful than you realize.


Life in Metro Detroit is tough but every day on this earth is a gift.  Life it to the fullest.  Give of yourself. Spend time with your family and friends.  Enjoy the simple things like picnics.  Like playing cards or board games with family members.


May this year bring you peace and the ability to accept the situation you are in.  That you may improve you and your families life.

Russ Ravary


My quote of the day:

Do not worry about tomorrow, God is already there.”


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