Metro Detroit craziness

Or am I losing it.  I guess I don’t understand what some people are thinking anymore.  Metro Detroit has been hit hard but some people just don’t get it.  Here are some examples of the craziness.

I have a friend that has been out of a job for over a year.  My wife works at a staffing agency and a job came up that fit my friends credentials to a “T”.  The recruiter talked to my friend but she “can’t make it in until next week.  She has a hair appointment.   WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!  You’re unemployed you can reschedule your hair appointment.  How many job interviews have you been on in the last month.   ZERO!!!!

I have another friend that has been out of work for over a year and a half.  He will turn down work if it is his golf league day or it is poker night out with his buddies.  They are close to losing their house, almost running out of unemployment but fun is more important still.

Here’s another one.  Now I’m a guy so I don’t quite get this one.  A realtor friend of mine is just about ready to lose her house.  But she is still going to the hairdresser, still getting manicures and pedicures.   Excuse me if you are homeless it doesn’t matter if your nails are done does it? Am I right or am I being a guy on this one.

We have the same craziness in the real estate business.  I tried calling a Metro Detroit real estate agent about a home.  My client had some questions about it.  Do you think he called me back after 2 days, 3 calls and an email?  NO.  I guess he doesn’t want to sell his client’s house too much.

He’s another one.  This one I don’t feel sorry for.  It is a FSBO (For Sale BY Owner)  I have called him twice to set up showings for a Northville relocation buyer.  Both times he couldn’t or wouldn’t have the house available for us to see.  He wanted to set the time for us to come.  My relocation clients have a limited amount of time.  So it has to fit their schedule of seeing employers, future schools, and homes.  This Metro Detroit FSBO doesn’t get it.  I guess that is why sometimes Metro Detroit Realtors and lockboxes are needed.  If you are selling a home to have to make it available to show when the buyer wants to see it not when you have time.

Many times when a Metro Detroit relocation buyer comes into town we sometimes see 30- 60 houses in a short period.  Add the stress and confusion of kids, living in a hotel, and trying to get accustomed to the area.  It’s a crazy time for the home buyer.  I try to keep the days and times as short as possible for the buyer.  So if a home seller wants us to drive from the far side of a city 10 miles away to see their home 4 hours later rather than accommodating us when we were down the block seeing another home.  Well most of the time the house doesn’t get seen.  It usually has to fit into the game plan of 1 or 2 days.

So to any of you crazy people….. before you blow off the only job interview you had in a month think about what you are doing.  Or before you tell the prospective home buyer you’re too busy to sell your house think about it.

Russ Ravary your Metro Detroit real estate agent


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