Manito Lake Orion Twp MI


Manito Lake Orion Twp MI

Listed below are 5 homes sold on Manito Lake Orion Twp Michigan in the last 2 years.  If your looking for good size homes on a lake then here is your lake.  A very nice city to live in.  Most of Manito Lake Orion Twp Michigan lakefront homes are located in one subdivision on one side of the lake.   There are mainly 2000 + square foot lake homes on the lake, but there are some small 1950’s ranches that are 1300 square feet and bigger.  Most of Manito Lake Orion Twp Michigan Lakefront properties are over 100′ frontage.  Some lots are .5 to over 1 acre lots. The style of homes arecolonial and ranch.   Orion Twp Michigan Manito Lake is a private lake with 109 acres in size.


200 IROQUOIS DR30002500140.833330001997N
834 ABSEGUAMI TRL10990011500018786.336313321950Y
925 MANITOU LN1849001660007094.748817521954N
606 KNOLLWOOD DR2290002200006498.389922361910N
200 IROQUOIS DR4500004050003213530001997N

Please give me a call on my cell (248) 310-6239 if you want to see what some of the homes look like onManito Lake in Orion Twp Michigan or any other city.  You can also email me @ As of 8-21-12.

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