Livonia real estate- buyers closing information
Livonia real estate- buyers closing information
When you are closing on a piece of Livonia real estate here is the information I send out to my buyer clients to help them prepare the week before.
Closing is Friday on February 17, 2012 @ 1:00pm
You will do the walk thru at 12:15. A walk thru is just to make sure the house is still standing, not damaged and items are still there. Only takes about 15 minutes at most. You just want to make sure the furnace, hot water tank is still there. That the owner is moved out and that there hasn’t been damage done to the home since you saw it.

We will be sending you real estate documents to look thru prior to closing. THESE ARE NOT YOUR FINAL NUMBERS. Your mortgage person will get you those so keep in touch with them. These are justreal estate documents that you will see and sign at closing. They do not include mortgage costs. You will make the cashier’s check out to yourself and sign it over to the title company at closing. IT HAS TO BE A CASHIERS CHECK.
YOU MUST ALSO BRING YOUR DRIVERS LICENSE to the closing. Closing can take from ½ hour to 1 ½ depending how fast you sign. At closing you must sign all the documents or you are not going to get the loan. You cannot change the banks documents or the wording. You should ask your mortgage loan officer to get you a closing package to read prior to closing. That way you will have read over them, and be ready to sign them. That is why we send you the real estate documents beforehand.
You need to call the utility companies to set up your utilities to come on the day of closing. This is very important as the seller will be shutting them off that day. Not having them could cause the pipes to freeze or having you have to sit there waiting for the utilities if they are shut off and you do not have them scheduled to be turned on.
DTE – 800-477-4747
Consumers 800-477-5050
Water is automatically switched over when you file the property transfer affidavit (you will sign and get the form at closing) We will explain what to do with it at closing.
If you have any questions for me about the closing feel free to call or email me.
This is just a sample of what you should be doing the week before your Livonia real estate closing.
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