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Livonia, Michigan Shopping

When people are relocating to Michigan every woman wonders what the shopping is like.  If your are buying Metro Detroit Real estate and chose Livonia Michigan to live in.  You will be glad to know that there is plenty of major malls and stores in the city of Livonia.  And there is plenty more shopping centers and malls within a 15 to 20 minute drive.

Livonia has no central downtown but it has every imaginable store around.  Home Depot, Sears, Walmart, Meijers, KMart, Borders, Target. Livonia boasts two large malls Laurel Park and Livonia Mall and various shopping centers to suit your every need.   There are many small strip malls with small mom and pop stores, video stores, grocery stores, hardware stores, and pharmacies.  You can find what you need at a store with in 5 or 10 minutes of your  Livonia home.

In the malls there is Parisian, Hallmark, Disney, and many other standard mall stores.  12 Oaks mall is within a 15-20 minute drive, Ikea is just a stone throw down I-275.  Westland Mall is 15-20 minutes away.  With Livonia being located near I-275, M-14, I-96 you can jump on the freeway to get to any of Metro Detroit’s fine shopping.

When searching Livonia homes for sale you will find that we have a wide demographic base.  Livonia has many ethnic stores that cater food that people love from their homeland and they are used to buying.  The ones that I know of off the top of my head are Italian Bakeries, a Greek Bakery, a Japanese grocery store.  I am sure that there are many others.  Those are just some that I have seen passing by one of the many little strip shopping centers throughout the city of Livonia.

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