Livonia gardens and the Metro Detroit economy

Usually every year we put lots of flats of annual flowers around our yard.  Begonias, impatiens, Gerber daisies, and all sorts of geraniums.  We spend over well over $300 on flowers.  With this economy I told my wife that we weren’t going to do that this year.  We are planting veggies.

I’m having a great year with helping lots of Metro Detroit first time home buyers find great bargain homes.  But…..Detroit’s economy is very rocky right now with GM and Chrysler on the bankruptcy time table.  So many auto workers, construction workers, and suppliers are on the ropes.  I honestly don’t know where the economy will go.  I don’t know what the Metro Detroit real estate market will be like next spring.  What next year will bring.  It has never been like this.  You can’t bank on making the same money you did this year next year.

So I told my wife that instead of flowers we were going to plant vegetables in the flower beds.  ( I love my wife she goes along with most of my ideas no matter what)  I kid of got this idea from some of the ethnic clients I have.  They plant their vegetables everywhere.  Front yard, back yard, in between the bushes, on the sides of the house.  Everywhere!

Over the last two weekends I have planted over 20 tomato plants, lots of onions, cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, zucchini, and even a few peas.  I am pretty excited about our change this year.  My wife is Italian and a great cook.  So she won’t have to buy tomatoes to can for spaghetti sauce this year.

And we will have lots of tomatoes and cucumbers for

  •         the tomato and cucumber salad she makes
  •         bruschetta
  •         tomato and cream cheese on bagels

I have even thought about what I will do with the excess!  I think I am going to have my wife type up the recipes for me.  Then I am going to put the ingredients in a gift bag and deliver them to my clients, friends, and neighbors.  Who knows I may be able to give some to a food bank too.  Or a somebody that is unemployed.

Somehow I think I planted way too many tomatoes but that is the gardener in me.  My wife and I are always addicted to buy one more different plant.   I think we have about 6 different types of tomatoes, and about 10 different types of peppers.  I even have tomato plants in the big pots that usually overflow with flowers.

Alright everybody I need ideas and recipes from active rain on what else I can do with my future harvest.

But we are looking forward to harvest time.  I just looked out the door and they haven’t grown a bit since I  looked out 5 minutes ago.  Gotta go…. I have to rapid gro everything right now.

Have a great night

Russ Ravary Your Metro Detroit real estate


Posted on May 25, 2009 @ 11:02 pm by russ.ravary – View Profile

Metro Detroit success

If you are like many people you identify with your work.  Many times you are the “engineer” or the “electrician” or the “administrative assistant” or “office manager”.  Many times our jobs are our life.  We become so entertwined with what we do that it becomes the majority of our life.

Now with Detroit’s hurting economy I am seeing friends and family members losing their jobs, losing their homes, and businesses.  It is tough enough to have financial problems, but the emotional stress is bad too.  Some people feel they aren’t successful since they have lost their jobs.

But it isn’t you that failed..  It’s the economy.  Good people have been let go from their jobs,  smart people have been laid off.  Hardworking people and top notch employees have been let go just to meet payroll goals and employee staffing numbers.   Sometimes it boiled down just to dollars saved.

I know  guys with 22 years experience and many awards at a company that were laid off.  I know office managers that over saw 40 employees laid off.  I have seen whole departments dismantled and whole companies shut down.  It’s not just you, it’s thousands of Metro Detroiters all feeling the same thing.  It’s not you YOU ARE still a SUCCESS.

You mostly likely have a good family.  Kids or a wife.  A good family.  You have helped them throughout the years.  You have raised them and helped them throughout the years.  You are a success whether you think so or not.  You have helped so many people out over the years.  You are a SUCCESS!!!  Your job is really just a small part of who you are.  There is so more much to you than just your job.  You are a success.

May you realize all the good things in your life.  Getting a positive attitude and your self confidence back will help you in your job search.

List some of the things that are positive in your life below in my feedback and comment section?  How are you successful?

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