Livingston County Michigan real estate market update

Livingston County Michigan real estate market update

How is Livingston County real estate doing you ask?  Like most of the Metro Detroit real estate market homes are selling!!!! And sometimes selling in a matter of days!!!  That is the good news, the bad news is that Livingston County home prices are way down from the highs of 2003 and 2004.  In some areas homes have lost 50% of their value!!!

If you look at the statistics for real estate in Livingston County Michigan you will notice that that number of sales from 2008 to 2009 are relatively the same.  There have been fewer Livingston County homes sold.  But the big difference is that the median sales price has gone down.  Much of that is due to the fact that the higher end homes over $300,000 are taking longer to sell.  As you go up in price fewer and fewer homes are sold over $500,000.

Livingston County real estate that is priced under $100,000 is selling.


Single Family Residence
 Time PeriodNumber of SalesMedian Sale Price
 Oct 2009150$141,000
 Oct 2008160$141,946
 Sep 2009148$145,000
 Sep 2008163$162,000
 2009 YTD1,492$135,000
 Time PeriodNumber of SalesMedian Sale Price
 Oct 200945$149,900
 Oct 200853$164,000
 Sep 200945$136,000
 Sep 200846$176,361
 2009 YTD474$135,000

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Looking to buy a home or condo in Livingston County give me call if there are any homes that you want to see.  Or join my Livingston County real estate VIP club to get the latest Livingston County foreclosures emailed to you weekly.  You can also search any Livingston County homes for sale listings any time you want when you join the club.

Russ Ravary your Metro Detroit real estate agent serving Livingston County

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My quote of the day is:

Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man. -Benjamin Franklin




Table Information provided courtesy of Real Comp II LTD