Lexington Green Subdivision Novi MI


Here are 6 homes that have sold in the last year.  Lexington Green Subdivision Novi Michigan has approximately 75 very nice homes in it.  The homes are mostly colonial style.  Most of the homes have brick exteriors, 2 car garages, 3-4 bedrooms, 2 + bathrooms, basements. Lexington Green Subdivision Novi Michigan homes were built during the years of 1981 -1984 with square footage of the homes range from 1900 – 3000 square ft.  Novi Michigan Lexington Green Subdivision location is between 8 and 9 mile roads and between Taft and Beck Roads.

21870 DALEVIEW DR19990021000049110.876418941983N
45827 GALWAY DR2299002320008119.402919431983N
45660 GALWAY DR27500027500011109.605425091983N
21928 WORCESTER DR30000029000054118.852424401983N
45767 SHEFFIELD DR28990030500015118.308725781983N
21785 DALEVIEW DR33990032250039120.425626781984N


If you are interested in any Lexington Green Subdivision homes or any other Novi homes for sale please give me a call on my cell (248) 310-6239 or email me @ yesmyrealtor@gmail.com.  As of 9-18-12.

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