Lakefront Homes for sale under $250000 in Green Oak Township Michigan
Here is a list of Lakefront Homes for sale under $250000 in Green Oak Township Michigan. Join my Oakland County VIP home search Oakland VIP Club get the latest Oakland County foreclosures emailed to you, so you do not miss out on the best deals.
If you are interested in any of these Lakefront Homes for sale under $250000 in Green Oak Township Michigan or would like some more information about them, please dont hesitate to contact me at (248) 310-6239 or email me at I will set you up with a personalized list of homes that meet your criteria, to insure that you next home features all of your wants and needs. That is the most important key in today’s market, getting the listings first, so you dont miss out on the best deals that are currently out there on the market. The good homes are selling fast, so when you see something that you like, contact me right away so I can get you inside of the home to take a look around.
Are you interested in the life of lake living but are not interested in any of the homes above? Check out Lakefront homes for sale Waterford Michigan. Feel free to browse through my websites and see some other Lakefront Homes for sale and see additional information on individual lakes, such as Mandon Lake Waterfront Properties or Mirror Lake Bloomfield Township Michigan. I can help you find your dream home and lake.
If you buy and close on a home with me as your realtor, I will but or credit you a new Kayak or Lawnmower. So what are you waiting for? Pick up the phone and give us a call today at (248) 310-6239 or email us directly at We look forward to hearing from you!
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