How to tick off your agent – Commerce Twp home buyer tips

How to tick off your agent – Commerce Twp home buyer tips

If you want to keep a good relationship your real estate agent do not accuse them of trying to get you to put in a higher offer just for the commission increase.  I have never had this happen to me, but one of the agents said a client of hers accused her of that this weekend.

I myself will put in any offer you say. But many times I will warn home buyers that their offer will be straight out rejected or the seller will refuse to even counter back. As agents we know the market and the difference between the list and sales prices.  I call that the spread.  I can guess many times the range where the home will sell at.

The key is putting in an offer low enough to split the difference between your offer and the list price to get you to an acceptable price to pay.  Many times the end negotiation is split between your initial offer price and the list price. So we want you to craft an offer that will get the seller to respond and to be able to negotiate the price.

The real estate agent’s client accused her of getting her to inflate her offers and counter offers to make more commission. That is not what is all about.  A price increase of a $1000 is a $30 commission.  I don’t even figure out the commission.  My goal as an agent is to get you the home you want at a price you want.  So do not ever feel obligated to any agent to raise your price.  Just do not complain when you do not get the house.  Do not complain when the seller refuses to counter.

Like I said we know the market and have negotiated  hundreds of offers.We want a successful negotiation and closing.  We want you to be happy.  Just do not tick off the agent like the agent’s today did by accusing her of trying to inflate her offer to make more commission.  She was just trying to get you to a successful negotiation.


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