How hot is the Southeastern Michigan lake home market?

How hot is the Southeastern Michigan lake home market?









A client sent me a list of 8 Southeastern Michigan homes on Friday, but she couldn’t see them until Wednesday.  We called the day before to set them up.  4 of the 8 had pending offers on them.

On Saturday another client called me to see a Waterford lake house.  We set it up to see Sunday night.  It was sold!  15 lake home buyers had seen it the day before and 2 of them had put offers in.  The agent told me it sold for more than list price.  How can you beat that.  Southeastern Michigan lake homes are going fast.  If you are not going out and seeing them right away you most likely are missing some of the deals.









You have to have your mortgage pre-approval letter ready and in your hand in this market.  You do not have time to get your financing together after you see the lake house.  The lake home buyers that get out and see the house and are able to make an offer on the lake property in the first days are the buyers that are getting the house.  The lake homes that are sitting are usually the lake homes that are overpriced or in poor shape or have poor lake frontage.  They have some sort of problem if they are sitting for a long time.

So that is what is happening in the Southeastern Michigan lake home market.

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