Hammond Lake West Bloomfield MI
Hammond Lake West Bloomfield MI
I have listed below the statistics of 6 sold homes in the last 365 days on Hammond Lake in West Bloomfield Michigan. The styles of the homes are colonials, ranches, cape cod, split levels and bungalows. Hammond Lake West Bloomfield homes were mostly built in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. Houses on the lake start as small as 1600 square feet. But there is a ranch home that is 3100 square feet, 5 bedrooms, 3.1 baths, and 2 car garage. There also is a large contemporary home that is about 5300 square feet with 5 bedrooms, 3.1 bathrooms, and 4 car garage. West Bloomfield Hammond Lake real estate on the lake mostly average between the 2000-3000 square foot range. The non-motorized lake is private with 85 acres in size & 80 feet deep.
2091 S HAMMOND LAKE RD | 180000 | 170000 | 64 | 57.4712 | 2958 | 1963 | N |
2210 LAKE WIND DR | 199000 | 199000 | 44 | 111.1731 | 1790 | 1975 | N |
2175 SPINNAKER | 245900 | 225000 | 80 | 112.7254 | 1996 | 1975 | N |
2180 N HAMMOND LAKE RD | 234999 | 230000 | 131 | 95.0806 | 2419 | 1975 | N |
2035 MIDDLEBELT RD | 299000 | 289000 | 74 | 180.5121 | 1601 | 1957 | N |
2140 S HAMMOND LAKE RD | 325000 | 290000 | 119 | 103.5714 | 2800 | 1968 | N |
Have you been looking at Hammond Lake homes? Please give me a call on my cell (248) 310-6239 & I will be happy to help you find your dream home or email me @ yesmyrealtor@gmail.com. For more information on any other Oakland County lakes go to michiganlakerealestatehomes.com. As of 8-30-12.
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