Garden City Michigan foreclosures as of 4-23-13

Garden City is bound on the north, west and south by the City of Westland. The City of Inkster borders Garden City on the south, and the City of Dearborn Heights abuts Garden City’s east border. Detroit, the largest city in the region, is located approximately three miles east of Garden City. Today, Garden City Michigan has a population of just under 28,000 and is the 42nd largest city in Michigan.

With that in mind, I wanted to see what foreclosures were available in Garden City as of today. Below is what I found. There are 13 Garden City Michigan foreclosures with an average price of $58,985 and an average time on the market of only 19 days.

28445 BIRCHLAWN ST12810NY60X13537.03
29149 JAMES ST131040YY64X13133.65
28735 BARTON ST12828YY40X13342.27
33475 BROWN ST1.141356NY60X14536.79
32128 DOVER ST131116YY60X13546.59
31787 DOVER ST231031YY60X13554.80
31125 BOCK ST1.141800NY76X14233.05
33155 DONNELLY ST131473NY118 X 14641.07
33125 BROWN ST231170YY115X13055.12
854 BELTON ST131000YY50X10064.9
29239 CAMBRIDGE ST1.131264NN50X13153.79
32113 MARQUETTE ST131300NY96X12860
32319 BROWN ST231525YY82X14374.09

If you would like more information about Garden City foreclosures, or any other city in Southeast Michigan, give me a call. I would be happy to help you find a home that suits your needs. I have many years experience with foreclosures and can help you get the very best deal! My cell phone number is (248)310-6239, or you can email me at

Do not let somebody else get the best home deals.  Join my Foreclosure VIP club and get the newest lakefront foreclosures and the newest lakefront listings emailed to you daily.

 Andover Lakes, Plymouth Twp, Michigan

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