Farmington Hills photography class
Photographer Jacob Nothstine
Offers Walking Photography Class April 23
The City of Farmington Hills is offering a unique opportunity for anyone interested in nature photography. Jacob Nothstine, a photographer and award-winning videographer, will teach a one-session Walking Photography Class at Heritage Park on Wednesday, April 23 from 6 – 7 p.m.

Participants will join Nothstine as he walks the beautiful trails at Heritage Park, located on Farmington Road between Ten and Eleven Mile Roads in Farmington Hills. This traveling class will offer insight into what it takes to produce great nature photographs and will provide secrets and tips to help improve photography skills. The fee for the class is $10 residents/$15 non-residents.
Nothstine, a Ferris State University graduate with a degree in television production, has traveled throughout the U. S. to pursue his passion for nature photography. He lectures on topics such as digital photography and his work has been displayed in the Farmington Hills City Gallery at the Costick Center.
The Farmington Hills Walking Photography class is a hands-on course — bring your camera and your walking shoes. Pre-registration is required, please call 248-473-1800. To learn more about Jacob Nothstine’s photography, visit
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