Crystal Lake Pontiac Michigan
There have been 5 homes sold in the last 365 days. The list below shows the statistics of each home sold, list price, sale price, square footage and year built. Crystal Lake Pontiac Michigan lakefront homes have approximately 5 private homes on the lake. Located on the lake are Crystal Lake apartments and some condos. The waterfront homes range in size from 1300 – 1700 square feet. They are either ranches or cape cod style homes. Crystal Lake Pontiac Michigan homes have 4 bedroom, 2 bath and were built in 1999 and 2000. There is a condo complex on the lake too which is part of a golf community. Pontiac Michigan Crystal Lake condos range from 1440 – 1900 square feet. There are 3 bedrooms, 1.5 -2.5 bathrooms, and 2 car garages. The lake is 12 acres in size and 11 ft in depth. Crystal Lake Pontiac Michigan is good for paddle boats and kayaking. There are a few islands in the lake. A public golf course is on the lake.
Michigan home inspections – Metro Detroit suburbs Advertising your Metro Detroit Home Upper Straits waterfront properties Oakland County MI Have you been looking at Crystal Lake homes? Please give me a call (248) 310-6239 or email me . For more information on other Oakland County lakes go As of 9-5-12 [wnt_grid keyid=”1″ title=”Lake homes for sale in Waterford MI” maptype=”disabled” ownertype=”all” paginated=”true” sortoptions=”true” maxresults=”50″ search_mode=”form” primarysearchtype=”active” searchtype=”city” state=”MI” single_family=”y” condo=”y” min_price=”250000″ max_price=”1000000000″ listing_status=”Active” county=”Oakland” has_waterfront=”Y” /] Search Crystal Lake foreclosures and homes