Commerce Township real estate – Relax
Relax the title company is on your side when buying a Commerce Township home. It is the title companies job to provide clear title. What that means is that the title company is making sure all back taxes are paid, all water bills are paid, and all liens have been released against the property. They get the final water bills, they order the payoff’s for the seller’s mortgage, they pull records from the county for all the possible liens that are out there. They have a person specifically that “examines” the title work to make sure it is clean. That is what a title company does. They are providing a title insurance policy to the lender and to the owner that the title is clear. So they are taking an insurance premium and saying the title is clear after they have done their due diligence. They do not want any claims. That is why title insurance is around. To provide a clear chain of title. So relax that is why we have title insurance on your Commerce Township real estate! Metro Detroit real estate explanations
Search Commerce Township foreclosures and homes
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