Closing costs – title closing costs – recording fees

When buying Metro Detroit Real estate you will encounter many different fees on  the HUD settlement.  Mortgage closing costs can be very confusing.  Under the title company fees you will see a category called recording fees.

When you have a mortgage the title company records the mortgage down at the county records.  The county usual charges are $15.00 for the first page and then a per page fee.  The usual cost for recording is $90.00 to $110,00  Having your mortgage recorded is a necessary step for the title company to do.

If you have a second mortgage there will be a second set of fees to record the second mortgage as well as the first.  Remember that when I say this is the usual fee doesn’t mean that a $150 fee is outrageous.  Every county has different fees.  Many title companies don’t add any of there own fees to the recording fee.  But some do for the labor and time involved when dealing with the county.

For more on title closing costs, Metro Detroit real estate, Michigan mortgages go to the mortgage section on the side of this page or you can go to my other site

My quote of the day:

All my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should have been more specific.

Lily Tomlin

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