Cedar Island Lake White Lake Twp MI

 Cedar Island Lake White Lake Twp MI

Are you wondering how many homes have sold in the last 6 months at Cedar Island Lake White Lake Twp Michigan? There have been 12 homes sold.  Some of Cedar Island Lake White Lake Twp properties are small old Oakland County lake cottages, some are beautiful new built Oakland county Lakefront homes.  There are 3200 square foot colonials with a walkout basements.  Cedar Island Lake White Lake Twp Michigan homes average in size about 2000- 2500 square feet.  There are quite a few tri and quad-level homes on the lake and smaller ranches and much bigger colonials. White Lake Twp Michigan Cedar Island Lake is an all sports lake, 169 acres and 72 feet in depth with public access.


9234 SANDISON ST1050930240.782811881972N
475 WASHINGTON BLVD1650165071.259513101966N
9215 SOUTHEASTERN ST889007825014461.132812801924N
620 Oakcrest1000008000021841.84119121936N
9511 PORTAGE TRL99900950006846.43220462000N
9703 MANDON ST1149001150003258.944119511921N
10014 BURGESS CT114900116000395.630612131970N
9940 BURGESS CT120000120000781.026314811969N
536 BURGESS DR29990026000098112.945223021953N
9382 BEECHCREST ST29990028190039120.935223311998N
814 FARNSWORTH ST36990036990010152.347624281990N
490 BURGESS DR3790003790004109.379534651953N

If moving on a lake has been on your mind lately, please give me a call on my cell (248) 310-6239 and I can show you around Cedar Island Lake White Lake Twp Michigan and the homes or any other Oakland County lakes. For more information go to michiganlakerealestatehomes.com.  As of 8-20-12.

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