Canton Twp MI information
Canton MI real estate relocation information
Based on statistics reported to the FBI, Canton was the nation’s 20th safest municipality during 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006. The designation is based on crime statistics in six categories: murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, and auto theft.
Canton’s Population 83,269
Size of Canton Twp 36 square miles
Established 1834
#of housing units (approx) 31,846
Canton Demographics (2000)
Median resident age: 33.4 years
Median household income: $72,495 (year 2000)
Median house value: $194,100 (year 2000)
For population 25 years and over in Canton
- High school or higher: 92.0%
- Bachelor’s degree or higher: 39.4%
- Graduate or professional degree: 14.7%
- Unemployed: 2.5%
- Mean travel time to work: 26.3 minutes
For population 15 years and over in Canton CDP
- Never married: 24.9%
- Now married: 63.1%
- Separated: 0.8%
- Widowed: 3.8%
- Divorced: 7.4%
10.6% Foreign born (7.0% Asia, 1.8% Europe).
Canton was originally a farming community. So much of Canton Township was farmers corn fields and open fields. So there are not many communities with huge established trees. There are some though.
Canton has had a very good master plan and they have developed the Township very carefully over the years. As the years progress Canton has required developers to put more green space into the subdivisions and commercial developments.
Over the years Canton Twp has changed. I would say that early in the 1960 and 1970 Canton was more of a blue collar town, but as the year 2000 arrived I would say Canton Township has become a mixture of both blue collar and white collar families. I personally know some business owners that live in Canton that have incomes in excess of $150,000 a year. Ford engineers, U of M nurses, architects, and many other people call Canton home. Canton has home styles to fit any prospective home buyers tastes and price range. The majority of Canton home prices range from $100,000 to just over $400,000..
I would call Canton Township a young community where it won’t be unusual to find any subdivision with lots of school age children in them. Partly because many new homes have been built in the 1990’s and right up to the current time.
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