Canton Twp foreclosures
Canton Township Real estate update as of 3/25/2009
Here is what is happening in Canton Township real estate MI in the last 30 days.
There have been 100 Canton Twp homes sold or gone pending in the last 30 days. Out of the 100Canton homes sold 34 were foreclosures and 13 were short sales. So 47% of all Canton homes sold in the last month were distressed sales.
Here is a quick glimpse of the Canton Township Real estate market. Here are the bottom 7 sales and the top 7 sales.
List Price Sold Price
74,000 18,000
112,000 51,000
65,000 53,000
99,000 85,000
89,900 91,000
107,500 107,500
114,000 108,300
150,000 155,000
168,900 170,125
255,000 255,000
299,000 280,000
369,000 310,000
349,000 320,000
309,000 331,900
The bottom three were Canton Township foreclosures sold by HUD. They had been on the market for about 6 months each. They were dumped by HUD and sold much below list price.
But on the opposite end out of the 14 homes listed 5 sold at or above list price. As you notice one home actually sold for $22,000 more than they asked for it. That bank must have been aggressively priced it. I am betting it got multiple offers.
So once again if you are bidding on a Canton Township foreclosures here are 5 things to take into account
- How long has it been on the market?
- Is it one of the best homes you have seen for the price?
- What have been the sold prices in the area?
- Look at the trend or how close has the list price of the homes compared to the sold price?
- How bad do you really want it?
Using those 5 factors that is how you should bid. If you really want it bid to get it….it’s that simple. (Within reason)
Search Canton Twp Foreclosures and homes for sale
I hope this gave you a little idea of what is happening in Canton Twp MI real estate
Russ Ravary Canton Twp Realtor
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