Canton MI data – Canton relocation

Canton MI Real estate Information

Canton Twp is located in Western Wayne County south of Plymouth Twp and North of Van Buren Township.  The City of Westland and the City of Wayne lay to the east of Canton Twp.  To the west of Canton is Ypsilanti Twp.  Canton is about 30 Minutes from downtown Detroit, about 20 minutes from Ann Arbor, MI.  Metro Airport (Detroit’s major airport) is about 20 minutes from Canton.

I-275 which is Metro Detroit freeway that parallels the Western suburbs of Detroit runs throughCanton Twp.  I-275 makes connecting to 1-94, I-96, M-14, very easy.  The I-275 freeway makes getting to anywhere in Metro Detroit very easy.  M-12 Michigan ave runs from downtown Detroit, through Canton all the way to the western side of the state.

Ford Rd is one of Canton’s main street.  Most of Canton’sstores and restaurants are along Ford Rd.  At certain times of the day Ford Rd becomes very congested.  Canton residentshave learned to take over east west roads such as Warren, Joy, Palmer, Cherry Hill, or Michigan Ave.  What is nice about Canton is that the road system basically makes squares.   Most major roads either run North and South or East and West making it very easy to learn Canton’s streets.  And makes it easy to get around Canton Township.

As you head west the major roads are:

  • John Hix
  • I-275
  • Haggerty Rd
  • Lilley
  • Sheldon
  • Canton Center
  • Beck
  • Denton/Ridge
  • Napier

Generally as you head further west in Canton the newer the home.

If you are thinking about moving to Canton or relocating to Michigan feel free to call me on my cell (248) 310-6239 or email me.

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