Caliburn Manor Subdivision Livonia MI


Caliburn Manor Subdivision Livonia MI

Call Russ at (248) 310-6239 to help you

If you are looking to buy a home in Caliburn Manor Subdivision in Livonia Michigan, I have listed below 4 sold homes so you have an idea of what homes have been sold in the last year.  Livonia Michigan is a very nice place to live, a clean neighborhood, kept up well. The location of the Caliburn Manor Subdivision Livonia Michigan is between 6 and 7 mile roads and between Newburgh and I-275 Roads. The homes are mostly colonial and cape cod style.  Most of the homes have brick exteriors, 2 & 3 car garages, 3-4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms or more and basements. The square footage of the Caliburn Manor Subdivision Livonia Michigan homes range from 2200 – 2800 square ft.


37516 KINGSBURN DR28990026330083114.877822921993N
18415 GLENGARRY DR289900280000193114.566224441997N
18518 QUEENSBURY DR3000002970009107.297627681991Y
18225 GLASTONBURY DR304888305000117117.307626001988N


Let me help you find that nice Livonia Michigan home you have been looking for. I am a local real estate agent that handles Metro Detroit, Wayne-Oakland Counties.  My expertise can be very helpful please give me a call on my cell (248) 310-6239 anytime or email @  As of 8-20-12.

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If you have an upcoming job relocation then you may want to check out my relocation website that give you an idea of what the local communities are like.  Here is one page of Moving to Highland Michigan!

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