Buying Metro Detroit HUD homes

There are more homes out there for sale than what you see on the MLS sometimes.  But most of them that you are not seeing are in the under $200,000.  Sometimes FHA foreclosures  come up on a different website before they get listed by aReal Estate agent.  When searching for Metro Detroit foreclosures you can go to  This is the website that is currently handling Metro Detroit foreclosures.

You can search by zip code or by address.  But you basically have to go through the listings one by one because they don’t have search features to search by sq footage, or by number of bedrooms, or by number of bathrooms.  Sometimes houses are listed on the website before they are handled by a metro Detroit real estate agent.

Most of the houses were FHA mortgages so many of the foreclosures will be in the lower price ranges.  I mean for the Metro Detroit real estate market you will find many of the foreclosures priced under $100,000.  So if you can’t find a home you are looking for, go to the local HUD website.

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Metro Detroit Foreclosure VIP Club.  Email me at to join the list 

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Call us today to get started on your home search (248) 310-6239

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