Bradford of Novi Subdivision Novi MI
Bradford of Novi Subdivision Novi MI
Here are 8 homes sold in the last year that may interest you if your searching for a home in the Bradford ofNovi Subdivision Novi Michigan. The location of the subdivision is between 8 and 9 mile roads and between Beck and Taft Roads. The Bradford of Novi Subdivision Novi Michigan homes are mostly Colonial and Cape Cod style. Most of the homes have brick exteriors, 2 & 3 & 3+ car garages, 3-4 bedrooms, 2 + bathrooms, basements. Square footage of the homes range from 2200 – 5900 square ft. If you are really serious about selling your home give me a call on my cell (248)310-6239 and I can also help you to buy a home in Novi Michigan Bradford of Novi Subdivision if this is your choice of a subdivision in Novi. For more information on other subdivisions go to links on the side As of 8-14-12.
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46544 GALWAY DR | 2950 | 2850 | 18 | 0.7571 | 3764 | 1994 | N |
46544 GALWAY DR | 2950 | 2950 | 39 | 0.7837 | 3764 | 1994 | N |
22387 CARLISLE CT | 2900 | 3000 | 32 | 0.8017 | 3742 | 1992 | N |
22371 CARLISLE CT | 3000 | 3000 | 41 | 0.8472 | 3541 | 1992 | N |
46535 GALWAY DR | 415000 | 385000 | 229 | 114.447 | 3364 | 1994 | Y |
22053 WORCESTER DR | 425000 | 400000 | 124 | 102.9071 | 3887 | 1993 | N |
46139 GALWAY DR | 400000 | 420000 | 8 | 131.25 | 3200 | 1993 | N |
22519 WINDERMERE CT | 749000 | 735000 | 59 | 150 | 4900 | 1993 | N |
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