Bloomfield Foreclosures MI
Here is a quick update on what is going on in the local cities and a little bit about the townships and city. Both Bloomfield Township and Bloomfield Hills MI are what you would call “affluent cities” Most of the residents would fall in the “upper Middle class category” and tend to be white collar workers, business owners, or professionals like lawyers, doctors, dentists, etc.
Bloomfield Township MI has a population of 41,887 with a median age of 47 years old. The crime rate tends to be lower than the Michigan average.
Bloomfield Hills is a smaller town with only 3940 residents. The median income is over $200,000. 31% of the homes had a value of over $1,000,000. It was ranked a the 4th wealthiest city in America with a population over 1000 people.
Oakland County homes have been hurt by the nations falling economy. Currently as of March 9, 2009 there were 59 Bloomfield MI foreclosures in Bloomfield Twp MI and Bloomfield Hills.
Here is the latest list of Bloomfield Twp & Bloomfield Hills foreclosures . They range in price from 49,000 all the way up to 1.1 Million dollars. There are some foreclosure deals all overOakland Wayne County right now.
In today’s competitive real estate market, timing is everything. Many good homes are sold before they are ever advertised. Beat other home buyers to the hottest new homes for sale in Bloomfield Hills or Bloomfield Twp New Metro Detroit foreclosure Listings Notification or justsearch Michigan homes for sale
Russ Ravary Oakland County Realtor
Sometimes the best lake homes sell in less than a week. Click the button below to get the newest lake listings so you do not miss out on the great deals.
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