Belleville Lake Wayne County Lakes MI

Wayne County Lake information

Belleville Lake waterfront property MI

I remember buying a little 15 foot 2 seat boat when I was about 18.  We used to take that boat down to Belleville and Ford Lake and rip up and down the lake.  It brings back some good memories.  Here is some information about Belleville Lake real estate and Belleville Lake in general.

Belleville Lake History

Belleville Lake was once known as Edison Lake because in 1926 Detroit Edison dammed the Huron River.  That dam forever changed Van Buren Township into a area for skiing, fishing, and boating.

In the early 1920s the Detroit Edison Company wanted to harness electrical power from the Huron River. In 1924-25 the French Landing Dam was created, forever changing the future of what became the tri-community area.  The dam is located on Haggerty Road near Huron River Drive in Van Buren Township.  Detroit Edison had purchased surrounding property, anticipating a flood, before the dam was built. After its creation, some farmland went under water.  The Huron river was in a natural valley and once the dam was created the valley filled up.

In 1972, the lake and its recreation facility, which is now known as Van Buren Park, was given to Van Buren Township by the Detroit Edison Company.  Included in the amenities of the 101-acre park are a swimming beach, picnic areas and children’s playground. The park also plays host to the headquarters of the University of Michigan’s rowing team.  Van Buren Park is located on the S. I-94 Service Drive between Rawsonville and Belleville Roads.

Belleville Lake Information

Belleville Lake is almost 7 miles long and covers 1270 acres.  There are 2 state public access sites.  One has 15 parking spots and another has 120 parking sites.  Belleville Lake has a maximum depth of 30 ft and is an all sports lake.

Belleville Lake fishing

Belleville Lake is heavily fished but is considered one of the best lakes in Southeastern Michigan for walleye and catfish.  Some of the fish species that are in Belleville Lake are:

  • crappie
  • blue gill
  • carp
  • catfish
  • sunfish
  • large and smallmouth bass
  • muskellunge
  • walleye
  • white bass
  • shad

Ice fishing on Belleville Lake can be treacherous because of ice conditions and the currents.

If you want to search Belleville Lake homes for sale, or Wayne County waterfront properties call me to send you a personalized list of lakefront foreclosures and all other Lake properties for sale.


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