Beacon Meadows subdivision Plymouth MI

Plymouth MI real estate

Are you Selling your Plymouth MI home or looking to buy Plymouth real estate I hope this information helps you.   Beacon Meadows subdivision in Plymouth Township MI is located off North Territorial between Sheldon and Beck.  Beacon Meadows subdivision has large upscale brick homes built in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s.  Two of the builders that built the homes live in the subdivision.  When Beacon Meadows was built it was the premier subdivision in Plymouth Twp, MI.  Many business owners and executives built homes in the subdivision.

Some Plymouth home buyers are from out of state and making a sound decision on this Michigan relocation is important to them.  Home buyers want to know what Plymouth MI Subdivision is best for them.  They need to know Plymouth home style best fits their families needs and it is hard to know that if you haven’t been to Plymouth.  I hope this information below gives you an idea of what Plymouth homes for sale are selling for and have sold for.

Plymouth Homes for Sale


Beacon Meadows Homes for sale as of 2/17/2009
Average time on the market                 213 days
Average list price                                  $512,633

Beacon Meadows Subdivision homes for sale Plymouth MI
PriceAddressBedBathSq Ft
$369,0001397 COVINGTON DR43.13979
$569,9001351 WESTBROOK RD43.14200
$599,0001393 COVINGTON DR54.17194

Beacon Meadows Plymouth recent sold homes in the last 6 months
Average time to sell                            81 days
Average sold price                              $434,000

Beacon Meadows Subdivision Plymouth Mi recent sold homes
StatusPriceAddressBedBathOffMktDtSq Ft
SOLD$350,00013524 CANTERBURY CT43.18/27/20083500
SOLD$518,00013951 COVINGTON DR45.111/20/20085035

If you would like to search Plymouth MI foreclosures or Plymouth MI homes for sale  join my VIP club and get the latest listings sent to you.  We will set up an automatic email system that will send you the newest listings when they hit the market.

My quote of the day:

Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination are omnipotent.


Photos, comps, and listings courtesy of Realcomp Ltd II.  Properties shown above have been listed and sold by various Realtors.



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