Barclay Subdivision Novi Michigan

Barclay Subdivision Novi Michigan









As listed there have been 6 sold homes at Barclay Subdivision Novi Michigan in the last year. These are what we call Estate Homes with all the luxury, quality and values you can expect. In Novi Michigan Barclay Subdivision is one of the more upscale subdivisions you will find. For more information about Barclay Subdivision in Novi Michigan or any other subdivision and location you can google the name or go to the website @ . As of 7-19-12

21924 YORK MILLS CIR2900290051.005128851995N
22219 BARCLAY DR37500035500058120.257429521998N
22357 HAZELTON CT42490040500024113.859935571996N
22120 PERTH CT42500041700018132.633531441995N
21924 YORK MILLS CIR43000042300037146.620428851995N
22049 BARCLAY DR45000043000018110.511438911997N
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