Appeal your Michigan Property tax assesment seminar

Do you think your Michigan property taxes are too high?

Do you think your city is out of touch on your city taxes?

Do you need to save money on your Oakland county property taxes? Or your Wayne County property Taxes? Or your Livingston County property taxes?

There is a great Michigan property tax seminar coming up on January 8, 2009

Real Estate Investors Association of Oakland County Michigan  REIA
Serving Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb Counties
 Proudly Presents

Strategies for Property Tax Assessment Appeals
 David E. Nykanen, Esq.  Due to the economic challenges we are facing in Michigan, property tax assessmentshave become an important topic for investors and homeowners alike.  David E. Nykanen is a shareholder with Steinhardt, Pesick & Cohen, P.C. His practice areas include property tax appeals, real estate transactions, zoning law, land use and corporate and commercial litigation.  David will be discussing appealing property tax assessments to your local board of review,including the procedures and deadlines for filings up to and including the Michigan TaxTribunal. Be sure to bring your questions and join us at our January meeting.
The meetings begin at 6:00pm with an hour of networking and an informal Early Bird Q&A session.  The seminar portion of the meeting runs from 7:15-9:30pm.
 The meeting is held at MSU Management Education Center in Troy, 811 West Square Lake Road Troy, MI 48098  Click here for a map

I went to this seminar last year and I am going to try to make it this year.  If you are concerned about how high your Southeastern Michigan property taxes are then you should make this a priority to attend.

I hope this helps you get your taxes lowered.

Russ Ravary

Your Metro Detroit real estate specialist.  Helping you become more informed about Wayne, Oakland, and Livingston County real estate



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