Andover Lakes – Plymouth Township neighborhoods

Andover Lakes – Plymouth Township neighborhoods








Whether you are looking to buy in Andover Lakes neighborhood or just looking around Plymouth Township neighborhoods here is a quick glimpse of what has sold in the last six months in the Andover lakes subdivision.

What is interesting that a home that was leased in Andover Lakes only lasted 9 days.  And the sold homes in Andover Lakes were on the market an average of 75 days.


12338 WENDOVER DR2100 Leased2100 leased928192006
12588 WENDOVER22500022750016113.579620031998
13455 ANDOVER DR229900230000169114.087320161997
12464 WENDOVER CT2500002470005193.631526381998
50913 RICHARD DR299900282500110113.636324862004
12653 WENDOVER CT29000029000018110.476126251998
12755 ESSEX CT29500029200058108.148127002000
12428 WENDOVER LOT 20 DR3499003000007694.428731772009
13039 ANDOVER DR3250003123591996
12357 WENDOVER LOT 27 DR34990034990087110.135331772008

Andover Lakes subdivision doesn’t really have any lakes.  They are really small ponds.  Great for viewing wildlife, but not for swimming or boating.  Here are other Oakland County Lakes andLivingston County lake front real estate

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