Andover Lakes, Plymouth Township MI
Andover Lakes neighborhood, Plymouth Twp MI
Some Plymouth home buyers are from out of state and making a sound decision on this Michigan relocation is important to them. Home buyers want to know what Plymouth MI Subdivision is best for them. What Plymouth home style best fits their families needs. I hope this information below gives you an idea of what Plymouth homes for sale are selling for and have sold for.
Plymouth Homes for sale
Andover Lakes Subdivision Update as of 2/17/2009 Average time on the market 191 days Average home list price $300,850
Andover Lakes Sold homes in the last 6 months
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Andover Lakes subdivision is actually 3 subdivisions . Andover Lakes has approximately 220 homes in it. The homes were built during the years of 1996 – 2008.
The homes are mostly Colonial and Cape Cod style homes. Most of the homes have brick exteriors & brick/vinyl & brick/wood exteriors, 2 & 3 car garages, 3-4 bedrooms, 2.5 + bathrooms, basements (some walkout, some regular basements). There are some small ponds which they call lakes. Very natural looking with logs and stumps in them. The lakes/ponds are more of a natural, rustic look than a pristine, manicured look.
Square footage of the homes range from 1900 – 3300 square ft.
The school district is Plymouth Canton Schools
The location of the subdivision is between North Territorial Rd and M-14 and Napier and between Gottfredson.
The streets that are in the Andover Lakes subdivision are:
Chestwick Ct
Andover Dr
Wendover Ct
Wendover Dr
Shefield Ct
Grafield Circle
Waterstone Ct
Essex Ct
Karl Dr
Richard Dr
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All of the above information is general information. We do not guarantee the information. This is to give a guide to the subdivision.
My quote of the day:
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person who wasn’t supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You will have your heart broken more than once, and it’s harder everytime. You’ll break hearts, too, so remember what it felt like when yours was broken. You’ll fight with your best friend. You’ll blame a new love for the things an old one did. You’ll cry because time is passing too fast, and eventually, you’ll lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you’ve never been hurt, because every sixty seconds you spend being upset is one minute that you’ll never get back.
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