8 tips to help you sell your Metro Detroit home8 tips to help you sell your Metro Detroit home
Metro Detroit Real Estate selling tips
-Remove any and all wallpaper. Wallpaper means work to a buyer and is usually just one persons dream. Most likely the wallpaper that you love is the buyers nightmare. Remove it. Pay somebody to remove it. If you don’t want to remove it think of how may potential buyers do not want to remove it.
-Put higher wattage light bulbs everywhere. The added light can make a difference. The brighter and cheery your house is, the better it will show. I can not tell you how many times I hear that the house is “gloomy” or “too dark”. There is no reason any home should be dark. There is no reason for there to be a burned out bulb. Clean the fixtures too! Open all curtains, drapes, blinds, etc. during the day.
-Tighten all door knobs, oil all squeaky doors.
-Clean and remove any stains on the carpeting. Hire a professional if necessary. This will help to remove any odors also. This is a simple and inexpensive thing to do if it is an estate sale. This help to get rid of the old person’s smell.
-Fix & Repaint your walls in a neutral color. A freshly painted neutral home sells quicker.-Moldings should be varnished in natural wood colors or white. Off colors should be repainted.
Sure you love the red, but you are appealing to the greatest number of buyers. Some people may hate it or may not want to paint.
-Clean and repair all cracked windows.
-Repair any leaking taps and toilets. Nobody likes to hear or see a dripping faucet.
-Odors – Find the source of the odor and fix or remove the problem. Mildew odor – find the leak or water problem and fix it. Then use a deodorizer to eliminate the smell. Then air it out and use a fan. Remove the stains on the wall and floor after you fix the problem.
If you have pets, there will be an odor. Smokers there is an odor. Consider repainting the home and cleaning the carpet. Then smoke outside.
For more great Metro Detroit real estate sellers tips go to the sellers category on the side. Feel free to contact me to do a walk through of your Metro Detroit home. email me at yesmyrealtor@gmail.com
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Quote of the day:
There’s nothing wrong with having your goals really high and trying to achieve them. That’s the fun part. You may come up short. I’ve come up short on a lot on my goals, but it’s always fun to try and achieve them.
Tiger Woods