5 items to bring to your Michigan Mortgage application

Michigan mortgage application

So you have found a Metro Detroit home that you want to buy.  Now you need a mortgage for your Michigan home purchase or maybe you are just refinancing your Metro Detroit home.  Here are the items you need to find in your records and bring to the Michigan mortgage broker if you are a W-2 employee.

  • One months worth of pay stubs ( at least two)
  • Your last 2 year’s of W-2s    If you work for somebody and get W-2s the lender will want the W-2’s instead of the tax return.  If you have lost them call your Human Resources department and get another copy
  • Your latest 2 months bank statements    The bank will want all pages.  Front and back even if it seems unimportant to you, the bank wants to see front and back of all sheets.
  • Your latest assets statements  If you have mutual funds, money market accounts, stocks, 401k, pension fund you need the latest statement.  Again all pages!  Front and back.  The more you provide in assets the more the bank will think that you are a good borrower.  So bring them all
  • The name and phone number of your insurance agent.  When a bank puts a mortgage on your Metro Detroit home they want it insured right away.  In case it burns down they want to be covered.  So you mortgage person will have to give your insurance company information so the bank is satisfied.
  • Your old mortgage statement (if refinancing)  Bring your old mortgage payment statement so the Michigan mortgage broker can call for your mortgage payoff

For more on Michigan mortgage information go to my other website www.southeasternmichiganhomes.com or email me at yesmyrealtor@gmail.com for the latest list of homes for sale that fit your criteria.

I can help you get pre-approved for a Michigan mortgage with one of my good lenders for your new home!

My quote of the day is:

Each person comes into this world with a specific destiny–he has something to fulfill, some message has to be delivered, some work has to be completed. You are not here accidentally–you are here meaningfully. There is a purpose behind you. The whole intends to do something through you.

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