4 condos for sale in Bloomfield Township Michigan

Are you relocating to Metro Detroit and would like to live in a beautiful upscale area?  Bloomfield Township is one of metro Detroit’s affluent cities that is along Telegraph Road which is a main thoroughfare that runs from Detroit’s northern suburbs all the way down to Toledo, Ohio.  You can get to just about anywhere in metro Detroit from Bloomfield Township.   There are even some beautiful lakes in Bloomfield Township.   Most of them are private, but you can usually find a lake home or two that is for sale.  There are so many good schools nearby too.  Bloomfield Hills Schools and West Bloomfield’s schools consistently rank  high on the State of Michigan MEAP tests.

If you want to live in an affluent upscale area, but do not have a lot of money then maybe one of these four condos for sale in Bloomfield Township may interest you.  This once was an apartment building that has been converted over to condos, but they are some of the most inexpensive housing in Bloomfield Michigan.  They are just small one bedroom condos with one bath that are under 1000 square feet in size.  If you are a single person this may be the place for you.  If you would like to see any of these condos in Bloomfield Township give me a call at (248) 310-6239

426 FOX HILLS Drive N Bldg#14 Unit#A-7, Bloomfield Twp 48304-1326
MLS#:214127121Status:ACTVStat Dt:12/18/14Price:$53,000
School D:Bloomfield HillsBeds:1Yr Built:1967Grg Size:No Garage
Prop Type:CondominiumBaths:1.0Bsmt:YesFireplace:No
Style:ColonialSum Tx:$383Win Tx:$368Pool:No
Recent:12/18/2014 : New : Active”>->ACTV

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574 Fox Hills Drive E Bldg#C Unit#20, Bloomfield Twp 48304-1312
MLS#:214112350Status:ACTVStat Dt:10/28/14Price:$62,900
School D:Bloomfield HillsBeds:1Yr Built:1969Grg Size:No Garage
Prop Type:CondominiumBaths:1.0Bsmt:YesFireplace:No
Style:End UnitSum Tx:$349Win Tx:$336Pool:Yes

756 E Fox Hills Drive Bldg#L Unit#147, Bloomfield Twp 48304-1306
MLS#:214119139Status:ACTVStat Dt:11/17/14Price:$62,900
School D:Bloomfield HillsBeds:1Yr Built:1969Grg Size:No Garage
Prop Type:CondominiumBaths:1.0Bsmt:YesFireplace:No
Style:RanchSum Tx:$281Win Tx:$271Pool:Yes
Recent:12/18/2014 : DOWN : $66,000->$62,900
 If you are looking for a lake home on Minnow lake or maybe you want a bigger lake like Hammond in West Bloomfield give me a call.   (248) 310-6239.   Remember we also offer a great buyers bonus to anybody that uses us to buy a home.  If you buy a home with us as your realtor, we will buy you a snowblower, or lawnmower up to $500 in value.What does CCS mean? – Bloomfield Real estate talk

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