3 tips for Wayne County home sellers
Metro Detroit home sales tips
Metro Detroit is a buyers market. Many Detroit suburban homes are sitting on the market for over 6 months. Some homes for sale are sitting for over a year! Here are three quick sales tips to sell your home quicker and faster.
De – Smell
Smells….Get rid of them. If you have a dog or cat get rid of the animal smell. I walked into a house today that was disgusting. It smelled of dog or cat urine. It was a Northville home for sale listed at $250,000. My buyers were out of there within 3 minutes. It was a nice home except for the smell. NO SALE because of the smell. No second look. Smells turn off Michigan home buyers immediately. All the home buyer wants to do is to get out of the house. Here are some offensive odors.
- Mildew odors
- Pet smells
- Old people smells
- Ethnic food smells
- Smoke
The quickest way to start to resolve an odor problem is to remove the source of the smell. i.e. fix the leak, stop smoking in the house. Air out the house, paint the walls, clean the carpets, and use a deodorizing spray (lightly).
Get rid of the clutter. Box up everything you can. Get rid of extra furniture. Make the room spacious. Get rid of the little stuff on the counter tops. Put away the stuff off the dresser tops. Remove excess stuff off shelves and cabinets. The key is to make it look open and spacious
Paint light beige, white, or very light gray. People like ready to move into homes. If a home buyer thinks they can move into a home and not do anything for a while it removes one more objection to your house. So if you have a bright red, bright pinks, blues, or any bright color tone it down. Those rooms that you painted for your kids need updating. Take the time to re paint it. Even carpeting that is bright or odd colors can deter a buyer from buying your Canton home, or Farmington hills home.
For home buyer tips or first time home sellers advice check out the categories on the side. I hope this helps you.
My quote of the day:
Friendship is a word, the very sight of which in print makes the heart warm.
Augustine Birrell
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