The Cardboard boat race is almost here!
If you are interested in having a great time out on the lake, at a great restaurant, with great people, and supporting a great cause? You will love the cardboard boat races, they will be held at the White Lake Inn on July 19th, for the fight against cancer!
Be sure to register today at michiganlakerealestatehomes.com/cardboard-boat-races

All the information is on the link above and if anything is unclear or you have additional questions feel free to get a hold of Russ Ravary. Russ Ravary is the one hosting this amazing event! (His contact info will be posted below). Now if your not interested in racing, you are, of course, more than welcome to join the fun and if you feel like it, donations will be accepted. This will be an amazing day, you wont want to miss out on!
If there is anything on the link posted above that you feel needs clarification or you have any other questions be sure to contact Russ Ravary; your lakes real estate specialist, at ………
(248)310-6239 or yesmyrealtor@gmail.com

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